Category: Asteroids & Comets
A huge meteorite has reportedly been captured streaking through the night’s sky above Russia, before disappearing in a blaze of light. People living in the northern city of Murmansk spotted the object exploding in the...
Asteroid 2014 DX110 will paseds between the Moon and the Earth on March 5th and a total of 18 near Earth asteroids will pass close to us between March 5th – March 12th.
NASA’s asteroid hunting telescope has spotted a new potentially hazardous asteroid. Well hazardous in a few hundred years time maybe. httpv://
A. After more than two years in a deep sleep, the European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft has woken up. A signal confirming its alert status was received by controllers in Darmstadt, Germany, at 18:17 GMT. The Rosetta...
In 2014, the Rosetta mission will intercept a comet and send a lander to its surface — helping us find out more about the origins of the Solar System. The International Rosetta Mission was approved...
Former astronaut says many small asteroids going undetected. Many of these are large enough to destroy a city.
It is thought that large comets and meteorite collisions have changed the course of human history. More collisions may have occurred than previously thought leading to catastrophic incidents.
Asteroids are fossils from the birth of the solar system. Each asteroid has a different story to tell and those stories are important to understanding the story of the solar system.
Perihelion of Comet ISON Perihelion is due to occur on 28 November 2013. ISON’s size is only estimated at present but is thought to be around a few miles in diameter. This will become more apparent...
From NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. Analysis of the meteor that flew in over Russia tells a surprising tale. The event led to the formation of a new dust belt in Earth’s stratosphere.
An animation of a proposed mission to capture a near Earth asteroid and bring it back to the Earth/Moon system for exploration. NASA’s 2014 budget proposal includes a plan to capture a small near-Earth...
Asteroid QE2 passed within 3.6 million miles of Earth On May 31, 2013. QE2 is a 3-kilometer asteroid and has its own satellite. The asteroid is examined using the Electric Universe model of the Universe.
What would we do if the Earth were about to be destroyed? EVACUATE EARTH, by National Geographic, examines this terrifying and scientifically plausible scenario by exploring the technologies we would devise to carry as...
Is there some sort of coverup going on regarding comet ISON? When ISON was discovered it was being hailed as the Comet of the millenium. Could it be comet of the millenium in more...
An animation of NASA’s plans to capture an asteroid and move it into the Moon’s orbit. This plan was recently confirmed by the Obama administration and initial funding has been approved. The goals...
President Obama has set aside $100m to kick start a programme that will ‘losoo’ a small asteroid and bring it close to the Moon for further examination. The purpose is to examine it to...
Comet ISON may be the most dazzling sight we have ever seen in the heavens for many years. The comet will appear in evening twilight through December 2013. The comet will swing past Earth...
There is a possibility that a comet may strike Mars next year (1 in 200o chance!). says NASA. The energy in this comet is believed to be 80 times more powerful than the meeorite...