Cosmic Holes
Scientists search for black holes, white holes and worm holes. A worn hole may be a short cut between different points in the Universe. Worm holes could be the next big discovery in space...
Scientists search for black holes, white holes and worm holes. A worn hole may be a short cut between different points in the Universe. Worm holes could be the next big discovery in space...
Infra red telescopes are able to give us a glimpse, for the first time of what lies in the centre of our Galaxy. Astonishingly conclusions are that it is a massive black hole. The...
A look at the solar system’s most distant worlds Uranus, Neptune and Pluto — Uranus, a gas giant with the most extreme axial tilt of any known planet and its wildly orbiting moon Triton;...
We are entering a new era in astronomy as a new generation of telescopes come online. Each new discovery provides many answers but also asks a series of new questions.
A video that looks at the theory of dark matter and dark energy — dark matter, this undetectable mass is thought to make up ninety six percent of the universe, and dark energy —...
The NASA built space telescope Kepler was designed to give us some initial answers to these questions. The flying telescope was launched in 2009 and until summer of 2013. But defects have made it...
An ionised nebula around a star has been discovered pointing to a larger nearby star nearing the end of its life. This dying star is probably the largest start ever discovered with a radius...
The Very Large Telescope on Mt Paranal, Chile, will distinguish the polarized light of planet atmospheres from the light of their parent stars thereby offering a new planetary detection system. The new system will...
Black holes are the most mysterious phenomena in the Universe. But how much do we really know about them?
An infra red view of the Orion Molecular Cloud, and the Horsehead Nebular. As dark nebula, most of their true structure is hidden from visible light observations hence the need for using infra red...
This summer, the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is getting ready to feast. A gas cloud three times the size of Earth is caught in its gravitational field and scientists...
In only five short years, the FERMI Space Telescope has observed and catalogued an astounding amount of phenomena, including some of the most high-energy events in our galaxy.
If you want to better see the planets and stats then ultimately you will need to buy a telescope. Here is a good introduction on how to choose a telescope suited to your needs.
From the movement of planets to Black Holes, here are the greatest discoveries in astronomy. The earliest records were made by the Babylonians and then the Greeks, through to Copernicus and modern times.
Interesting information on how black holes are formed and the effects of black holes on nearby galaxies and planets.
Images of the Perseid meteor shower that has recently lit up the night sky. The “shooting stars”, a result of the material falling from the tail of Comet Swift-Tuttle.
A look at how to calculate or navigate your way back home from Interstellar space. By calculation the motion, speed and direction of travel of earth through space.