Category: Extraterrestrials


Who’s Out There?

 This 1975 NASA film explores the view of extraterrestrial life emerging from the results of probes to the planets and interstellar discoveries and findings about the nature of life itself.

About Mars – Bashar 0

About Mars – Bashar

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, answers the questions: “Was mars once alive and inhabited?” “If so, what caused it to become dead?” Bashar claims...

Bashar – Alien? 0

Bashar – Alien?

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – Bashar claims to be an extraterrestrial who channels information through a human called Darryl Anka using a form of telepathy. Here Bashar talks about...

Stephen Hawking Fears Aliens 0

Stephen Hawking Fears Aliens

-” For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – If Aliens were ever to come to Earth they would  have superior technology and if their race had evolved as Humans had evolved they...
