Category: Manned Space Flight

Back To The Moon 0

Back To The Moon

– “For You To Enjoy And Share Wiuth Friends” – A look at project Constellation which is aiming to take US back into outer space. There are plans for three different moon missions to...

Orion Test Flight Animation 0

Orion Test Flight Animation

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – An animation of the first test flight of Orion, Nasa’s next multi-purpose crew vehicle scheduled for 2014. This will provide Nasa with an affordable...

Chinese Space Walk 0

Chinese Space Walk

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – Space walks are another part of the learning curve that you must go through if you are serious about space travel and construction in...

The Gift Of Apollo 0

The Gift Of Apollo

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – The gift of Apollo by Carl Sagan. Here he discusses the drivers for the Apollo missions and what they actually meant to the human...

Dragon Unberthed From The ISS 0

Dragon Unberthed From The ISS

– “For You To Enjoy And Share With Friends” – Dragon, the first commercial space craft to visit the International Space Station, prepares to leave and return to Earth. Dragon is the only space craft...
