Category: Our Universe


How Dark Matter Makes Stars Stable

Scientists have previously thought that dark matter makes the stars so dense that they eventually burst into black holes. However, the recent research makes scientists think that dark matter inside stars make their core...


Wonders of Our Universe

This video represents a compilation of images of our planet, the Milky Way and the Universe. We can see astonishing pictures of the Earth’s most beautiful phenomenon – Aurora Borealis, and the colorful and...


ESA’s New Image of Nebula Messier 17

This new image of Nebula Messier 17 has been captured by the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-meter telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. The nebula is known by its many...


Kepler Finds New Exoplanets Orbiting Two Stars

NASA’s astronomers have spotted the 10th planet orbiting around two stars that make the circumbinary system, the system completely unknown before Kepler mission. The exoplanet, known as Kepler 453b, is 6.2 times larger than...


Ghostly Nebula Captured by ESO

The planetary nebula ESO 378-1, known as Southern Owl Nebula, is placed in the constellation Hydra, which is about 3,250 light-years away from our planet. This ghostly nebula has been captured by ESO’s Very...


Lifecycle of Stars

This video explores the stars in our Universe. Akila Jeeson-Daniel, an Affiliate Postdoc at the University of Melbourne, explains what kinds of stars exist in our Universe and how their life cycles look like.


Electromagnetism Is a Part of Our Daily Life

According to physicists, there are four fundamental forces that manifest in our Universe: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force, and electromagnetic force. However, electromagnetism is the force that we are often unaware...
