Category: Our Universe


Titans Missing Waves

Saturn’s moon Titan is covered with lakes full of liquid hydrocarbons. We know there is wind on Titan but these lakes don’t seem to have any waves. This video looks at various explanations  as...


Is the Universe Infinite?

How far do the stars stretch out into space? And what’s beyond them? Astronomers have been able to look back to near the time of its birth. They’ve reconstructed the course of cosmic history...


The Riddle of AntiMatter

According to standard theory, the early moments of the universe were marked by the explosive contact between subatomic particles of opposite charge. But what happened to the anti-matter?


The Holographic Universe – 1

The Holographic theory suggests that the entire Universe is a holographic projection around Earth. Not as far fetched as it first seems. As recent experiments suggest that the Holographic Universe is closer to the...


The Electric Universe – 2

Part 2 of The Electric Universe. A theory which throws conventional thinking on its head and seems to plugs many gaps in our knowledge. Einstein totally ignored anything electrical and therefore half of mans...


The Electric Universe – 1

Here is the first of a four part post on the the ‘Electric Universe’ theory. A theory that debunks traditional gravitational theory of the Universe. It asserts that gravitation is not the most prominent...


Colonizing Space

It is likely that the first humans who will live on another World have already been born. We need a spare planet to ensure the continuing of the human race as living on just...


Science Fiction Facts

Concepts that were just science fiction a few decades ago are now turning into reality. What does the future have in store? What science fiction concepts of today will be the reality of tomorrow.
