Category: Our Universe


Stunning Look at Orion Nebula

This video shows us a stunning look of Orion Nebula, seen in visible light. This high-resolution video gives us a lot of detail to enjoy this extraordinary nebula.


Dive Deep into Supernova Remnants

The following video shows spectacular supernova remnants known as Cassiopeia A settled in the Cassiopeia constellation. Using data from NASA’s telescope, scientists have detected an impressive list of elements of the space debris.


Amazing 3D View of Orion Nebula

The following video represents animation that scientists and visualizers make together. The video is created in 3D technology that enables us to enjoy more this extraordinary journey through the beautiful Orion Nebula.


Scientists Got New Clue About Dark Matter

Using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton spacecraft, scientists detected mysterious signal from Perseus galaxy cluster in 2014. Now, they have revisited data and gotten a new clue about dark matter.


Scientists Found Second Solar System

Using data from the NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, scientists have found an eight planet in the second solar system in the Cygnus constellation. The planet is called Kepler-90i and orbits the star Kepler-90 that...


NASA Released New Image of Cassiopeia A

Using the NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists have captured a new image of Cassiopeia A. This new photo enables scientists to locate essential elements in the most studied remnants of supernova known as Cassiopeia...


Scientists Found Dual Supermassive Black Holes

Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, the Wide-Field Infrared Sky Explorer Survey (WISE), and the ground-based Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona, scientists have found five pairs of supermassive black holes. This discovery enables them to...
