Category: Our Universe


Zoom into the Starburst Galaxy or IC 10

The following video shows an extraordinary view of a so-called starburst galaxy or IC 10. The galaxy is full of black holes and neutron stars that make it ideal to study gravitational waves, according...


Jupiter-Sized Exoplanet Has Glowing Water

Using the NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, scientists have discovered the Jupiter-sized exoplanet that has the stratosphere. Namely, the stratosphere of the so-called hot Jupiter is very hot and contains from water molecules that make...


Extraordinary View of Orion Nebula

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory in Chile, scientists have captured this new video that shows an extraordinary view of the stellar nursery known as Orion Nebula. They have discovered...


R-Aquarii: Fascinating Star System

Using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, scientists have observed an unusual star system R Aquarii. This star system represents a volatile star system consisting of two different stars – a white dwarf and a pulsating...
