Category: Physics


GPS: The Global Positioning System

after carefully considering the many scientific and technical achievements and spaceflight satellites and sensing the International Astronautical Federation gave its 60th anniversary award to the one space project in history providing the greatest measurable...


How NASA Reinvented the Rocket Engine

This is no ordinary rocket engine. Limited by the technology of their times engineers and physicists have theorized this propulsion method for centuries, but the constraints of time may have just lifted with NASA’s...


Rockets 101 | National Geographic

– [Narrator] The ground begins to tremble. – [Announcer] Three. – [Narrator] Massive engines roar to life. – [Announcer] Two. – [Narrator] Billowing clouds of exhaust. – [Announcer] One. – [Narrator] And then a...


Artificial Gravity

Gravity. It’s what keeps us held to the surface of the Earth and provides a sense of up and down. When we venture into space and orbit the Earth, or some other world, the...


How a Rocket works?

The term rocket science is often used to describe a concept that is quite difficult to understand but in this video we are going to explain The technology behind rockets and rocket engines in...


Orbital Dynamics Part 01 First Discoveries

Welcome to orbital dynamics. This is a multi-part course on the basics of orbital dynamics. The orbital dynamics or orbital mechanics textbooks assume familiarity with calculus and all the algebra and trig that goes...


Master the Complexity of Spaceflight

This – is an interplanetary transport network! And you think I can reach my home planet? J.: I mean, probably?! That’s the spirit! And this – is my probability tracer  solving tough spaceflight riddles....


Can We Create Artificial Gravity?

One of our biggest problems we face when travelling in space, is the atrophy our bodies endure while in microgravity. The astronauts on the international space station have to exercise several times a day...
