Category: Physics


Cosmic Time (2) – Michio Kaku

String theory pioneer Michio Kaku goes on an extraordinary exploration of the world in search of time. He discovers our sense of time passing and the clocks that drive our bodies. Here is part...


Cosmic Time (1) – Michio Kaku

A 6 part post that looks at the true nature of time. String theory pioneer Michio Kaku goes on an extraordinary exploration of the world in search of time. He discovers our sense of time...


The Fabric of the Cosmos

The Fabric of the Cosmos, is based on the book by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene, which takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most...


Cosmic Holes

Scientists search for black holes, white holes and worm holes. A worn hole may be a short cut between different points in the Universe. Worm holes could be the next big discovery in space...


Death Stars

Death stars are in the final stage of life before they explode into supernovae and, occasionally, the biggest blast in the universe–the gamma ray burst. One death star, named WR104, lurks 8,000 light-years from...


Monster Black Holes

Black holes are one of the most mysterious objects in the Universe. The more we find out about them the more questions are raised. They were predicted in Einsteins Relativity and have deified most...


Beyond The Big Bang

Leading physicists and historians theorize what happened before the bang occurred. A video that looks back in time billions of years to the origin of the Big Bang and beyond.


The Multiverse Theory

Another look at the Multiverse theory, the possibility of parallel dimensions existing where Earth and everyone on it are duplicated many times over.
