How Fire Burns In Space
How does ‘fire’ burn in outer space and how do you put it out since you can’t spray water. httpv://
How does ‘fire’ burn in outer space and how do you put it out since you can’t spray water. httpv://
An academic training lecture on Dark Matter given by an expert from CERN. Dark matter and dark energy cannot be explained within the standard model of particle physics. In this lecture the evidence for dark...
String Field Physicist Professor Michio Kaku will try and answer the question that many scientists, philosophers and free thinkers have asked and can never seem to answer: “What is time?” ”
A video that looks at the theory of dark matter and dark energy — dark matter, this undetectable mass is thought to make up ninety six percent of the universe, and dark energy —...
An introduction to ‘string theory’. Brian Greene explains how our understanding of the universe has evolved from Einstein’s notions of gravity and space-time to superstring theory, where minuscule strands of energy vibrating in 11...
The only way Humans are really going to be able to explore the Universe is through technology like the ‘warp’ drive. Here we look at look at NASA’s research into warp drive technology.
An interesting look at relativity and what happens as we approach and travel at the speed of light. “PLEASE READ THIS before you post comment: 1. If you have the time, please listen to...
We are making the transition from scientific discovery to scientific mastery. A world where will be able to manipulate and mould nature.
The deep sense we have of time passing from present to past may be nothing more than an illusion. Brian Greene takes us on the ultimate time-traveling adventure,
The latest developments in space research and the search for life, including the discovery that amino acids may be more common than we thought throughout the solar system, and the latest findings from the...
The Very Large Telescope on Mt Paranal, Chile, will distinguish the polarized light of planet atmospheres from the light of their parent stars thereby offering a new planetary detection system. The new system will...
Black holes are the most mysterious phenomena in the Universe. But how much do we really know about them?
An infra red view of the Orion Molecular Cloud, and the Horsehead Nebular. As dark nebula, most of their true structure is hidden from visible light observations hence the need for using infra red...
This summer, the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is getting ready to feast. A gas cloud three times the size of Earth is caught in its gravitational field and scientists...
In only five short years, the FERMI Space Telescope has observed and catalogued an astounding amount of phenomena, including some of the most high-energy events in our galaxy.
An introduction to the NASA MAVEN mission, which is being launched in November 2013. The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN), will explore the planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun...
Interesting information on how black holes are formed and the effects of black holes on nearby galaxies and planets.