Category: Technology


Would you fly on a Chinese Spaceship?

According to Global News, “the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology in Beijing is entering the space tourism business.” China matters wanted to find out more. The Chinese government has been involved in space...


The Spaceship Propulsion Compendium

Today’s episode, the Spaceship PropulsionCompendium, is going to be a long one, sinceI am going to try to touch at least brieflyon every system including some of the moreunlikely ones. I will leave out...


Photonic Propulsion: Mars in 3 Days?

There’s been all kinds of buzz lately aboutsome new space tech that could send a spacecraftto Mars in 3 days, and maybe even get spaceshipsto exoplanets that are light-years away. Which kind of sounds...


The Biggest BOOMS in Rocket History

– Hi it’s me Tim Dodd,the Everyday Astronaut!Space is hard. There’s a reason we use rocket scienceas a benchmark for anythingextremely difficult. I for one champion all things spaceand eagerly await everysingle upcoming space...


How Does the Deep Space Network Work?

In the following video, Julie Wilde from DNews explains how the Deep Space Network helps to collect data from various spacecraft and how it actually works. She explores its role to enable satellites such...


Comet Hitchhiker – NASA

Although successful, Rosetta mission caused scientists spent more than 10 years on building the spacecraft and its probe, and 1 billion euros costs. That motivates them to invent a new way for future operations...
