Category: Technology


Science Fiction Facts

Concepts that were just science fiction a few decades ago are now turning into reality. What does the future have in store? What science fiction concepts of today will be the reality of tomorrow.


Space Wars

Humans will be humans! Does anyone believe that as Space becomes more and more accessible that Space will not be used for warfare?? Conventional missiles from Space can deliver blows as large as nuclear...


Interstellar Space Travel

A look at two projects being design spacecraft to take will allow humans to colonise planets outside our solar System. These two projects have been called the ‘100 Year Starship’ and Project ‘Icarus’. They...


The Theory Of Time Travel

If we can control time we can control our destiny.  Many scientists have been conducting research in their own laboratories and maybe in the 21st century present theories will become reality. Scientists are looking...


China Launches ChinaSat 11

China successfully launched the ChinaSat 11 communications satellite from the  Xichang Satellite Launch Center with a with Long March 3B rocket and successfully entered it into geosynchronous orbit. httpv:// The communications satellite consists of C-band...
