Time-Lapse Video of the Rose Galaxy
This beautiful image of the Rose Galaxy or ARP 273 is captured by Hubble Space Telescope. This is, in fact, a galaxy collision of two interacting galaxies.
This beautiful image of the Rose Galaxy or ARP 273 is captured by Hubble Space Telescope. This is, in fact, a galaxy collision of two interacting galaxies.
In this video, Trace Dominguez from DNews.com speaks with Dr. Natalie Hinkel about stars and their composition. She explains why stars are coming in different shapes and what causes differences in their signatures in...
This video represents a selection of the most astonishing things in the Universe. The list begins with the planet 55 Cancri e, better known as “Diamond planet” and continues with Gliese 436 B or...
In this video, Trace Dominguez from DNews asks a question about the spinning as the unique trait of all the objects in our Universe. In searching for answers, he explores the ways in which...
Our Universe has billions of galaxies. They differ from each other in shape and form. Every galaxy represents a unique collection of the stars, grouping and forming extremely beautiful patterns in our space.
In the following video, Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, author, and cosmologist speaks about the Multiverse and its existence. He also explains what it would look like travelling through this Multiverse. According to...
The following video explains the top 10 most interesting facts we might not know about the space.
This video explores the cosmic web of galaxies as a galaxy structure that holds the Universe together and enables its further expansion. Through the evolution of the cosmos, the galaxies had formed the first...
Eta Carinae is the binary star system that represents the most massive stellar system 10.000 light-years away from Earth. In the XIX century, Eta Carinae generated an out of proportion eruption that creates huge...
In the following video, Dr. Ian O’Neil from DNews explores the new space events that will happen in this year. The space exploration in 2015 begins with the New Horizons mission to Pluto and...
This video is a collection of the 10 most beautiful space photographies captured in 2014.
The years of exploration of the Milky Way have discovered that many stars are not a single star like our Sun, but binary or triple star system, red dwarfs or brown dwarfs. Even the...
The following video demonstrates distances between galaxies and stars in practice. We all know that these distances are huge and are measured in light years, but to gain a perspective on how enormous are...
The following video explores the possibilities of interstellar travel through the black holes. The key for this is the existence of the wormhole that has the black hole on one end and the white...
This video explains the term “mass” in our Universe. We can easily grasp how massive are the objects in our Solar System only by comparison. If we take Jupiter, as the biggest and most...
This video shows us top 10 weirdest things in the Universe. The list begins with diamond planets and ends up with dark matter.
In the center of our galaxy, the super massive black hole with its brightest feature called Sagittarius A star, as seen at radio wavelengths, is located. It is 4 million times the masses of...
The Hubble Space Telescope has orbited around our planet for the last 24 years. After Hubble’s discoveries, our perception of the Universe has been dramatically changed. The following video represents the best selection of...