Milky Way at Serpentine Dam, Western Australia
The following time-lapse video contains the images captured from Serpentine Dam, Western Australia. The video is made by an astrophotographer Dave Buckton.
The following time-lapse video contains the images captured from Serpentine Dam, Western Australia. The video is made by an astrophotographer Dave Buckton.
This time-lapse video of the Milky Way contains the images captured from Yumi Lake, Mt. KusatsuShirane, Gunma, Japan.
The following time-lapse video contains the images captured from the Hac Sa beach in Macau, China. The video is created by an astrophotographer, Yiu Kai Shinoda.
The following time-lapse video shows the Milky Way in all its beauty from Woodland Park, Colorado. A creator of this video is Jamshed Nasir, an astrophotographer.
The following video consists of the images taken from Eliza Lake that is located in Ansel Adams Wilderness, California. The video is created by an astrophotographer, Jeremy Evans.
A team of astronomers from Tohoku University in Japan, have discovered a dwarf galaxy that orbits around the Milky Way. The galaxy belongs to a diffuse type of galaxies and is about 280,000 light...
The following time-lapse video is made of the images taken from Lake Clifton, Australia. The video is created by an amateur astrophotographer Russell Stevenson.
This time-lapse video contains the images captured from Long Rock, Utah.
The following time-lapse video contains the images of the Milky Way taken from an abandoned mine near Montezuma, Colorado. The video is created by an astrophotographer Michael Nyffeler, this October.
During the following month, we can observe Venus and Mars as the evening planets and Jupiter as a morning planet. Shortly, in the very beginning of November, we can observe Venus and Saturn together...
The following time-lapse video consists of images of the Milky Way, taken from Bavaria, Germany. The images were captured in 4K resolution by an astrophotographer Hermann Forster.
The following time-lapse video contains about 7,000 images of the Milky Way, taken from Rhone-Alpes, southeast France. The video is created by an astrophotographer, Mathieu Descombes.
This time-lapse video is created from images of the Milky Way captured from Croatia.
This time-lapse video consists of images taken from Ocean Isle Beach in North Carolina. The images were captured by an astrophotographer Cathy Anderson.
During the following month, Venus and Saturn will appear in the southwestern sky, just after sunset. Saturn will approach to Venus as the month progresses. At the same time, Mars will be visible in...
Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, the NASA/ ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the Keck Telescope, scientists have discovered Terzan 5, an unusual globular star cluster that does not look like as any other globular...
This time-lapse video contain a selection of images captured from the Lake Fairy, Beaufortain, the French Alps. The video is created by Mathieu Descombes, an astrophotographer.
The following time-lapse video shows the beauty of the Milky Way as seen from Italian town San Pellegrino. The video is created by an astrophotographer, Andrea De Nardin.