China On Mars Before NASA & Starship SN5 To Hop
so it appears that the launch of NASA’sperseverance Rover has been delayedagain this is getting a bit too closefor our taste now because the launchwindow is only one month wide andChina’s Mars mission meanwhile surpriseis not being delayed so will China’sMars mission be able to reach Marsbefore NASA then we of course have totake a look at the current progress ofstarship at Boca Chica updates regardingElon’s annual starship presentationDr. Zubrin saying that SpaceX could land onMars before 2030 the first joint missionof SpaceX and space force and also theprogress at Blue Origin and the ula ourobligatory SLS rant SpaceX forcingEurope to go reusable a bit on the Lightsail 2mission and even a steampunk robotfor icy moon exploration really a lotto talk about so stay tunedso before we come to the delay of NASA’sperseverance Rover and what anembarrassment it would be if China wouldlaunch their Mars rover before NASAlet’s first analyze the current progressof starship at Boca Chica on theweekend the latest Raptor engine SN27 arrived at the launch pad where thestarship SN5 prototype iscurrently attached by the way SN5 hasalready successfully completed a seriesof cryo pressure testsnothing leaked or ruptured which is avery good sign because as you knowstarship SN3 collapsed during such acryogenic pressure test another hurdleis out of the way and now havinginstalled the raptor engine static firetests are commencing this is anotherhurdle which cost the lives of someother starship prototypes shouldstarship SN5 survive the static firetests there is a good chance that we canstill witness the 150 meter hopping testthis week cameron county road closuredates indicate that we can see the hoppingtest as soon as on Wednesday July the8th with back up dates on the followingtwo days so fingers crossed to finallysee this epic event because it’s been 10months now since the last time we couldsee such a spectacular event withstarhopper and the annual starshippresentation will take place inSeptember this year as Elon indicatedin this tweet here this makes sense asthe last starship presentations alsotook place in the September timeframehopefully we can learn some interestingupdates on the efficiency of the new304 l stainless steel alloy and somedesign changes for starship andsuper-heavy maybe even an updatedroadmap for future starship Moon andMars missions ok so now finally aboutthe Mars perseverance rover we rememberthat initially the launch of thisimportant mission was set for the 17thof July the Mars launch window by theway is only open from mid-july tomid-august the cause for this delay weresome problems with the ground supportequipment but now the launch has beendelayed again to the 30th of Julybecause of some problems with the Atlas5 rocket upon which the rover will belaunched yeah the ula rocket thatfigures if the launch gets delayed toafter mid August then that’s itthen we have to wait a full 26 monthsfor the next launch window to open andthat would be super embarrassing notonly because by that time we mightactually see SpaceX cargo starshipslaunched towards Mars but no because theChinese also have their own Mars missionin the pipeline and guess what this oneis not being delayed its launch isstill set for between the 20th and 25thof July as initially planned theperseverance rover is really importantbecause it will have a lot ofinstruments onboard such as the SHERLOC instrument which would be able todetect organic molecules and thus toindirectly detect the presence ofpotential Martian life while the ChineseMars mission doesn’t contain aninstrument for such a purpose still itis a very complex mission it consists ofan orbiter a lander and a roverscientific instruments include aground-penetrating radar ameteorological measurement instrumentand a magnetic field detector so theChinese Mars rover could offer somevaluable insights on Mars local magneticfield strength weather and possiblepermafrost layers below the ground itwould be super embarrassing if NASA’sMars rover would only make it to Mars in2022 so we really hope that NASA and ulawill get their problems under controltalking of ula they now got the first BE-4engine delivered from Blue Origin fortheir future Vulcan rocket this is thefuture rocket that will be so totallyreusable that it can even get this reusethe enginesthe engines these are by the way thesame engines that will power the newGlenn rocket of Blue Origin which alreadyhas been flying since a long long timein these renderings here in realityhowever who knows when ula and BlueOrigin a perfect match we’d say aperfect matchand besides ula and Blue Origin whatelse is super-slow ladies and gentlementhat’s rightSLS the SLS Center core avionics check iscurrently going on at Stennis Spacesorry I mean Stennis I’m probably notallowed to say this anymore right it’sit’s not it’s not PC right anyway thisCenter core avionics check is the secondof eight green run tests of the SLSCenter core for artemis one and tofurther show their unconditional supportand endless love for SLS NASA orderedadditional space shuttle we mean ofcourse SLS solid rocket boosters fromNorthrop Grumman for an additional sixArtemis missions so until Artemis nineArtemis one will be the uncrewed testflight of Orion launched with the SLS tocircle the moon Artemis 2 will be acrewed circling of Orion around the moonso basically an almost one-to-one repeatof Apollo 8 only 53 years after Apollo 8and then Artemis 3 will finally foreseethe first mannedI mean crewed manned is also not PC enough landing on the moon which iscurrently planned for 2024 we still kindof doubt that NASA will be able to pullthis off especially with all thepolitical opposition and it’s not evensure if NASA will actually get thenecessary budget in order to performthis feat but we shouldn’t worry becauseif NASA won’t do it then SpaceX willcertainly land their own astronauts onthe moon with starship probably aroundthat time in other News dr. RobertZubrin the famous author of the case forMars says thathe believes SpaceX could land astronautson Mars before 2030 he said quote ifstarship is flying regularly tolow-earth orbit by 2024 the nextpresident will ask his or her advisorscan we get to Mars before the end of mysecond term the answer will be yes sothen it will happen by making themission practical SpaceX will make itsellable we partly agree with dr. Zubrinhere as we also believe that a crewedSpaceX Mars mission could very wellhappen before 2030 but we kind of doubtthat NASA could have starshiphuman-ratedso fast of course we hope to besurprised but you shouldn’t forget howslow NASA usually is with such things inour opinion it’s more likely that SpaceXwill just completely bypass NASA andland their own people on Mars withstarship and super-heavy becauseremember that thanks to the income fromStarlink by the mid-2020s SpaceX willhave enough funds to carry out their ownMoon and Mars missions regarding spaceforce the youngest branch of the u. s. forces just launched their very firstmission it certainly is a top secretmission flying a troop of Space Marinesto low-earth orbit to space force’ssecret space station where they willperform zero-g combat training in orderto prepare for future zero-g spacebattles right almost this first missionof space force was a gps satellite soreally very very humble beginnings atleast it was launched by a SpaceX Falcon 9rocket a very smart choice by the wayon June the 30th working together withspaceX is already certainly a big stepinto the right directionnow when starship will be finished wesaid it time and time again and wemaintain our position we will sooner orlater see a space force variant ofstarshipespecially after Elon’s remarks on that topic about which we talkedin this video here in other news SpaceXis not only completely disrupting thelaunch business of the old complacentcompanies like ula and agencies likeRoscosmos but No Europe is alsofeeling the pressure from SpaceXso much so that Thierry Breton the EuropeanCommissioner for internal market hassaid that Ariane 6 will basically beDOAbecause of SpaceX and that if Europewants to stay competitive it needs tostart working on a fully reusable Ariane seven ASAP that’s already a quite goodinsight but we think even so it might betoo lateAriane six is scheduled to have its firsttest flight in 2021so Ariane 7 is extremely unlikely to havefirst test flights before 2025 best caseand as we know by that time starshipwill have made all other Rockets reallyall other Rockets completely obsolete sowe think that ula Roscosmos and Arianespace will end up being the Nokias of thespaceflight industry that’s what happenswhen you sleep for too long and when yousleep on innovation now the only chancewe think Europe will have will be tocharter some SpaceX starships for theirown missions and we are saying that asEuropeans in more positive news lightsail 2which has been circling the earthfor one year now and as you remember waslaunched into space among many otherpayloads with a Falcon Heavy Bruce Bettslightsail program manager and the chiefscientist at the Planetary Society saidthat the overarching goaltechnologically was to demonstratecontrolled solar sail propulsion andthis goal is now successfully completedby lightsail 2 this is excellent newsbecause light sails are now the singlebest technologywhich could enable us to visit otherstar systems in the coming decades noother technology is currently advancedenough to offer us that possibilitybreakthrough starshot will attemptexactly that so having a lightsailadjust its trajectory is a superimportant feat because without many coursecorrections there cannot be a flyby ofexoplanets in nearby star systems and forall of you steampunk lovers out therewhich we hope there are many because come on steampunk is probably some ofthe coolest stuff ever invented byhumans together with cyberpunk thisconceptual robot is being currentlyinvestigated at NASA’s Jet PropulsionLaboratory this soccer ball-sized robotcalled Sparrowwould hop around on Europa or Enceladusit will old-school heat up water andrelease the steam in a controlled mannerbecause the gravity is so low on thesemoons the robot would be able to hop afew meters with a single hop we thinkthat’s a really cool idea which we hopeto see in action on Europa or Enceladushopefully before starship will landthereand if you’re wondering if spaceX wouldactually be able to colonize the Moonand Mars at the same time you can checkout this video right here so thanks forwatching the JS space report then Iwould say see you next time and on 2 the future!