Orbital Mechanics in 60 Seconds – I
So, contrary to what you see in moviesspacecraft can’t just sit around inspace near a planet because they’d fallright into it. To stay in space we needto get into orbit. So first we take offfrom Earth’s surface, fly up past theatmosphere, and keep accelerating moreand more so that we start looping aroundEarth before we could fall back into it. Now we’re in orbit. This is where we’rein zero-g because even though we’restill pulled downwards we’re just sortof free falling back onto our owntrajectory. Now for example to get to themoon we need to point forward and fireour engines to expand our orbit until itintersects with the moon’s path. Now eventhough the moon’s gravity is starting topull us in, we still need to flip aroundand burn our engines in reverse to slowdown and get into orbit. At this point wecan pick a spot to land, burn our enginesagainst our trajectory, and come down tothe surface. So that’s it for now guysjust something you can share with afriend who wants to learn more aboutspace travel without all the fancy mathor a terminology. Thanks for watching andcheck the comments section for moredetails and stay tuned for more videos!