Salyut 7 – The forgotten rescue of a dead space station
In 1985 one of the most audacious spacerescue missions was launched by theSoviets to recover a space station thathad been dead for months due to anunknown fault. That feat was unparalleledin space exploration and rewrote thebooks on what was thought possible andyet its story has fallen into obscurityand conspiracy theory. In 1979 the SovietUnion was a superpower in search of aspace station, Mir the state-of-the-artorbital facility was in development butwas delayed and still six years fromlaunch and also the military spacestation ALMAZ had also recently beencancelled without his final missiontaking place. To maintain a presence inlow-earth orbit the Soviet space agencytook the decision to fly one more singlelong station that’s a small spacestation that can be lifted into orbitcomplete in one launch. The backuphardware for the Salyut program could beused and a series of missions wasplanned for the station will becomeknown as Salyut 7. This small lab orbitingbetween 200 kilometers or 120 milesabove the earth would go further thanany spacecraft before to become the base for six long-term expeditions but Salyut 7would also suffer from a seriesof strange malfunctions and become thescene of a desperate rescue at orbitalvelocity. The space race of the 60s and70s was measured by a growing number of competitive record breaking missions inthe Soviet media new achievements wereneeded to justify the expense of spaceprograms and bolster national pride. Tofeed this hunger cosmonauts spent longerand longer in their capsules onspacewalks and then inhabited mannedspace stations. The American Skylabconstructed from an adaptive Saturn Vupper stage spent 84 days in orbit in1973-74 testing the effects ofmicrogravity on the body and pioneeringsolar observations. In 1978 the SovietSalyut 6 exceeded the long standingSkylab record when its crew passed 96days in orbit by 1980 that record hadbeen extended to 184 days ofuninterrupted habitation with theupcoming Mir the Soviets plan to do moreever been possible with single launchstations. Salyut 7 could help makethis a reality by testing out newhardware and training cosmonauts as wellas predecessors, Salyut 7 had the docking ports fore and aftso crew rotation and resupply couldhappen simultaneously. Salyut had previously been supplied bythe progress spacecraft a derivative ofsoyuz that still travels to theinternational space station to this day. Salyut 7 launched aboard a proton rocketon the 19th of April 1982 and on May the13th the first crew launch to rendezvouswith it beginning a mission that wouldlast for a record-breaking 211 days. Thefirst task aboard the new station was tolaunch a 28 kilogram of 61 pound amateur radio satellite from the trash airlock. This was held by the Soviets as thefirst launch of a communicationssatellite from a manned space vehiclebefore NASA’s planned launch was twoheavy geostationary satellites from theshuttle later that year. Despite asuccessful first year, research on Salyut7 were soon stalled by technical issues. In September 1983 a fuel leak wasdiscovered after almost a whole tankvented into space. In a series ofspacewalks cosmonauts conducted to inorbit repairs and a later repair of aspecial tool delivered by groundresupply. The unprecedented scale ofthese repairs was impressive but Salyut7 faced a much greater challenge ahead. In 1984 Salyut 7’s 3rd cosmonaut crewreturned from orbit aboard Soyuz and thespace station entered autopilot modemonitored by remote control from theSoviet ground team. On the 11th ofFebruary 1985 telemetry reported a hugeelectrical surge knocking out the radiotransmission from salyut, when groundoperators attempted to bring thetransmitters back on line a second surgeswept through the station knocking outradio receivers as wellnow suddenly Salyut 7 was out ofcontact with no way of diagnosing whatmay have gone wrong. For months in 1985the 16 meter or 50 foot long stationdriftedsilent and out of control. According to aRussian documentary program made in 2012the Americans considered trying tocapture the Salyut 7 with the spaceshuttles cargo bay and bring it back toearth. In reality Soviet ground control hadconsidered doing the same thing with theunfinished “Buran” shuttle but they foundit would have been impossiblealthough the Salyut couldn’t be scooped up and carried back to earth it was far toovaluable to just be abandoned. Instead the only solution was to send upa Soyuz with a two-man crew consistingof Vladimir Dzhanibekov and victorSavinikh to manually dock with Salyut 7and attempt a rescue. The first problemwas how do you dock with a dead spacestation that uses an automatic powereddocking system. The engineers had to come up with an entirely new set of dockingtechniques. The Soyuz was a three-mancraft but with just two crew the thirdseat and the automatic docking systemremoved completely there was enough roomfor extra supplies food and water andmore fuel to the extended mission. TheSoyuz was fitted with a laserrangefinder and a crew took night visiongoggles in case they had to dock on thenight side. With a 70 to 80 percentchance of successthe mission was given the go-ahead. On 6thJune 1985 a rescue mission launched and orbited for two days until it caughtup with salyut 7. As the Soyuzapproached more closelyit appeared that these solar panels weremisaligned that meant that theelectrical systems have failedcompletely. Using the laser rangefinderto align with the docking port the crewmatched for rotation of the craft to that ofSalyut and then approached slowly tocontact and dock. This was a majorachievement but significant danger layahead neither the crew nor the groundcontrol knew what had caused the stationto go dark or what layingin wait for them inside. As the cosmonauts opened up the hatches to equalize theair pressure with the station they felta rush of freezing air. With Salyut’spower being offline for so long it hadbeen exposed to temperatures had neverbeen designed to operate in. Critical provisions like water were allfrozen and any number of essential lifesupport systems might have been damaged. Ground control weren’t even sure if itwas safe for the crew to be onboard. Dressed in winter clothing the cosmonauts slowly went through the process ofopening the three hatches that stoodbetween them and the dark living area ofthe station. With hand-held air qualitytests they quickly checked for carbonmonoxide and other dangerous gases that could indicate a fire on board. Theproblems of the station were electricalin nature but they couldn’t just Hotwirethe station to the Soyuz. The fault thattook down the space station could alsoblow the electrics in the Soyuz and thenthey would be stranded and face almostcertain death. Although the air supplywas safe they were limited to just onecrew member at a time working thestation because with no circulationsystems working the carbon dioxide fromthe crew members own breath could buildup to dangerous levels. So one crew member stayed in the Soyuzto monitor the of one working in thestation. Water was also a problem, thecrew had eight days supply in the Soyuzif they rationed it and tapped into theSalyut’s emergency supply it would stretch to twelve days but it could take thattime or longer to find the cause of theproblem and get the station’s systemsback on line,if the water ran out before then theywould have to leave come what may. After carefully working through the Salyutselectrical systems the cause of thepower loss was eventually pinpointed toa single sensor on one of the batteries. This malfunctioning sensor was designedto stop the batteries from beingovercharged. Once a day, everyday the maincomputer instructed the solar cells tocharge the batteries but the faultysensor stopped chargingalmost immediately. Over time thebatteries ran flat and soon the wholestation went dead unable to communicatewith the ground or function at all. Oncethe crew had replaced the battery and thefaulty sensor and further adjustments tothe out of alignment solar cells weremade, in August Salyut 7 was saved andcontinued to support missions for afurther year. After the station wasreturned to service Vladimir Dzhanibekovremained on the station for110 days. MIR was launched in February1986 but even with its replacement inorbit, Salyut 7 continued to make history. The first crew on Mir traveled in theSoyuz to Salyut to collect and transfervaluable equipment, the only time but astation to station crew transfer hastaken place to date. The Soviets hadintended to continue using Salyut 7 evenafter the launch of Mir. It was boostedinto a higher orbit of 475 kilometers or295 miles to delay reentry however dueto the funding cuts the future Salyutmissions, the collapse of a Soviet Unionand the non appearance of the “Buran”shuttle the station’s orbit graduallydecayed and in 1991 three years earlierthan intended the last Salyut broke upduring an uncontrolled re-entry overSouth America. It’s this determinationand experience of the engineers, groundcontrol and cosmonauts to keep Salyut 7 flying when previous stationsthat have gone before we’re allowed tofail but has been carried over into theISS which has now been flowncontinuously over 15 years by theinternational community. 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